Dear Customer; To be included on our mailing lists, please forward us your full name, correct address along with your phone and fax numbers. Thank you for the interest in our company. Since 1985 VooDoo Airbrushing has painted literally thousands and thousands of goalie masks in many different leagues for professionals and non professionals. Because our staff of extremely talented Artists take great pride in their creations and always do their best work possible for our clients be reassured that you have made the right choice in hiring VooDoo airbrushing to bring your "ONE OF A KIND", "STOCK" or "NHL & NHLG" paint job into reality.
VooDoo Airbrushing are CSA & HECC approved painters for many different brands of manufacturer's masks, including EDDY Masks, MISSION / ITECH, NXi Defense Systems and VAUGHN among many. VooDoo is now factory authorized painters for EDDY Masks, MISSION / ITECH and VAUGHN. Your goalie mask DOES NOT have to be a model from any of the mentioned manufacturers for us to paint it, nor do you have to purchase a goalie mask directly from us for you to use our services, you can send any manufacturers/brand or model of mask to us to have it painted.
All the goalie masks we embellish with our "ONE OF A KIND", "STOCK" or "NHL & NHLG" paint jobs are double clear coated for an extreme "HIGH GLOSS" finish. VooDoo also stays on top of all the latest paint technology, innovations and specialty colours, ask us what's new in paint!
CUSTOM DESIGNS: Our "ONE OF A KIND" paint jobs start at $450.00 CAD and go up in price depending on the time involved. This price is for the paint job only and does not include the cost of the mask itself. Some of these "ONE OF A KIND" paint jobs are quite detailed and require many hours to complete. We hope you respect this fact and see the technical ability and quality of our Artist's workmanship reflected in our paint jobs. You may receive a lower quote from another company but will the delivery time, quality and especially the detail of the Artwork be the same?
If you are an "eclectic" individual who wants to stand out in a crowd by having your own unique design created, simply download our order form from the net or send us your fax number and we'll fax you the appropriate order form. Just fill out all the information and create your own line drawing and written description and fax it to us at (905)-686-1953 for your free quotation on your "ONE OF A KIND" custom paint job. If you are not sure of a design for your mask, just surf through our goalie mask pages and you may be inspired by one of our previous customers designs. Once we have agreed to a price for your design, ship us your mask and please include full payment.
"Custom Designs" can be viewed at;
SKETCH FEE: $125.00 CAD Unsure of a design?, we can also help you to develop your idea for your goalie mask by faxing some sketches to you. The price includes 3 detailed drawings working from your verbal and or written description. This fee must be paid in full before any sketches are started and or faxed back for your viewing.
STRIPPING CHARGE: $75.00 CAD Does your mask have an existing factory or a previous custom paint job and or factory decals? If so we can remove all existing paint and or decal finishes, prep, prime and apply the base colour prior to the new design being started. This price includes bringing your mask up to the design application stage.
FOAM CLEANING FEE: $25.00 CAD Is your foam really rank?, we can professionally clean, wash and dis-infect your goalie mask's foam in our heavy duty industrial washing machine so your mask will smell brand new.
STOCK DESIGNS: We offer 20 "STOCK" designs priced at $395.00 CAD, If you already have a goalie mask and are just inquiring about a paint job, these prices are for the paint job only and does not include the cost of the mask itself. The colour schemes on these designs can be changed to match your equipment or Teams colours at no additional charge. If the Custom Designs and their prices are out of your budget may I suggest one of our 20 "STOCK" paint jobs. These designs are as follows;
1 -"Maddog", 2 -"Lightning", 3 -"Team USA", 4 -"Team Canada", 5 -"Splash", 6 -"Alien", 7 -"Beast", 8 -"Fly", 9 -"Wildcat", 10 -"Stonewalled", 11 -"Rivethead", 12 -"Skullduggery", 13 -"Redhot", 14 -"Webhead", 15 -"Wired", 16 -"Viking Ice", 17 -"Aztec Fire" (a $65.00 CDN prizm paint surcharge applies to these two paint jobs), 18 -"Mummy", 19 -"Riot" and 20 -"Survivor".
"Stock Designs" can be viewed at;
NHL & NHLG DESIGNS: We also offer the 6 "NHL & 3 NHLG" designs priced at $569.00 CAD. These designs are fully authorized by the NHL and come with an authentic NHL sticker and holographic sticker with serial number on the backplate. These 9 designs are only available on the ITECH P4000 & P4100 series masks and must be ordered with the mask. You CANNOT send us your ITECH or non ITECH mask to have one of these paint jobs applied on it. There may be delays in these orders due to the popularity of these designs, please call for more info.
1 -"Canadiens", 2 -"Canucks", 3 -"Leafs", 4 -"Rangers", 5 -"Wild", 6 -"Wings", 7 -"DaFoe", 8 -"DiPietro", 9 -"Salo".
"P4000 NHL & NHLG Designs" can be viewed at;
P.S. have you seen our six T-shirt designs? They are way cool!!!, they can be viewed at;
TO ORDER: A paint job, a new mask, a new cage, sketches, T-shirts, simply go to our order form page located here;
"Order Forms" can be viewed at;
Print out the appropriate order form, fill it out, (the signature at the bottom of the order form in the waiver must be the credit card holder's signature), and fax it in to 905-686-1953 for your free quotation.
SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: Please follow these instructions carefully when packing and filling out the necessary paperwork to ship either your Hockey Goalie Mask, Hockey Players Helmet, Baseball Catchers Helmet or Baseball Batters Helmet to VooDoo Airbrushing.
1) Commercial Invoice: When you fill out your commercial invoice and in the section where it asks you the reason for export, (this "Hockey Goalie Mask, Hockey Players Helmet, Baseball Catchers Helmet or Baseball Batters Helmet (whatever your item is)", will be returning to the USA after being custom painted in Canada), this will save you from the US and your State Government from charging you any sales taxes when your item returns from Canada. After you are done, make three copies then sign and date them in "blue" ink. If you sign in "black" ink it may be delayed at Customs.
It is very important to display these two numbers below prominently on the exterior of the box you ship your item in, also include these numbers on UPS's waybill, (or what ever company you use), and on the commercial invoice. Just put "Hockey Goalie Mask, Hockey Players Helmet, Baseball Catchers Helmet or Baseball Batters Helmet, (whatever your item is)" in the spot where it asks what the description is and the value of your item, (please make sure you pack your item well and in the smallest box possible, to save yourself money).
2) This E.O.P.S., (Exporter Of Processing Services) & Duty Deferral number:
87 - 016T0476
This number waives all Duties and GST due on any shipments being sent to VooDoo Airbrushing's address from anywhere in the world and will expedite your shipment through Canada Customs quickly. Please display this number large, bold and prominently on the exterior of the box you send your mask in and on any and all paperwork which accompanies the mask's shipment, especially your copies of the Commercial Invoice.
VOODOO AIRBRUSHING has been approved for any and all GST, (Goods & Service Tax), and any and all Customs Duties being totally waived on all shipments sent to the address below, by C.C.R.A, (Canada Customs & Revenue Agency).
3) N.A.F.T.A. Harmonized Code Number for your item:
This number is the number assigned to Hockey Goalie Mask, Hockey Players Helmet, Baseball Catchers Helmet and Baseball Batters Helmet by the North American Free Trade Agreement. Both the Canadian and US Customs Offices and all the brokerage houses recognize this number immediately and it identifies your item as being, (duty and tax free), for the to & from shipping.
VOODOO AIRBRUSHING 717 Finley Ave., # 9 & 10, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3T1
5) Shipping Companies: Remember shipping ground is the least expensive, but takes longer. It is your discretion as to whether you insure your item for full replacement value, the replacement value will not affect the shipping costs, (you will have to pay a slight premium for the insurance, usually a $1.00 charge per $100.00 of coverage and the first $100.00 coverage is free with most couriers) but it will reflect in a higher brokerage fee to clear your item through customs. (VooDoo uses this company as our broker)
6) Confirmation: Please send us a quick e-mail with the waybill number of your shipment and when your item was shipped.
CHROME MASKS: For the ultimate "Look", like the Pros, get your mask Silver Chrome or Gold Chrome plated.
1) Silver or Gold Chrome plating $250.00 CAD, (these prices are for the Chroming only and is on top of the price quoted for a paint job). Please note that this will add an extra week to the length of time for a custom paint job. The adhesion to the masks substrate with this process is not as good as a paint job containing all paint products, therefore VooDoo Airbrushing will not assume any liability for flaking or peeling of the Chrome or Gold Chrome from the surface of the mask nor any flaking or peeling of the paint from the surface of the Chrome or Gold Chrome. Even the Pro's know this and accept the trade off of awesome looks of real Chrome plating for a minor inconvenience.
"Chromed Masks" can be viewed at;
CHROME CAGES: You can also change your cages' colour by painting or plating it.
1) A Paint colour change $59.00 CAD,
2) Silver Chrome plating $99.00 CAD,
3) Gold Chrome plating $199.00 CAD This can be done within 1 week of receiving your cage. The prices above do not include the cost of a new cage, just painting or plating your existing cage, nor do they include any return shipping charges. Please call for more info and or prices for new cages, or visit this hyperlink;
"Chromed Cages" can be viewed at;
NAMES: $25.00 CAD And includes your name/nickname added on the backplate or chin or anywhere else you want it placed on your mask. It also includes any font style and any style of lettering, from graphic 2 colour to an Airbrushed 3 - D look. To see examples of names and nicknames from previous customer's masks cruise through the "CUSTOM DESIGNS" web pages.
NUMBERS: $15.00 CAD And includes your number added on the backplate or chin or anywhere else on your mask. It also includes any font style and any style of lettering, from graphic 2 colour to an Airbrushed 3 - D look. To see examples of numbers from previous customer's masks cruise through the "CUSTOM DESIGNS" web pages.
NEW GOALIE MASKS: If you need to purchase a new goalie mask, we offer the following EDDY & ITECH Goalie mask models and below is all the info for each, as in model numbers, sizes and pricing. Please specify your size and whether you want a CSA & HECC "certified" cage (square holes) or "non-certified" cage (cateye holes).
1) The Eddy Tusk JR. (certified) for $206.00 CAD, Tyke 5 1/2 - 6, Junior 6 - 6 7/8, XL-Intermediate 7 - 7 5/8.
2) The Eddy GT (certified & non-certified) for $280.00 CAD, Small 6 - 6 7/8, Medium 7 - 7 5/8, Large 8 - 8 5/8.
3) The Eddy GT ULT Intermediate (certified & non-certified) for $255.00 CAD.
4) The Eddy GT ULT S, M & L (certified & non-certified) for $335.00 CAD, Small 6 - 6 7/8, Medium 7 - 7 5/8, Large 8 - 8 5/8
5) The Eddy Pro ULT (certified & non-certified) for $560.00 CAD, Small 6 - 6 7/8, Medium 7 - 7 5/8, Large 8 - 8 5/8.
6) The Eddy Custom Kevlar (certified & non-certified) for $440.00 CAD, Small 6 - 6 7/8, Medium 7 - 7 1/2, Large 7 1/2 - 7 7/8 , XLarge 7 7/8 - 8 1/2, XXLarge 8 1/2 - 8 7/8.
7) The Eddy Custom LT (certified & non-certified) for $795.00 CAD, Small 6 - 6 7/8, Medium 7 - 7 1/2, Large 7 1/2 - 7 7/8 , XLarge 7 7/8 - 8 1/2, XXLarge 8 1/2 - 8 7/8.
1) The 1000 (certified) & 1100NC (non-certified) Nylon Polymer (JR & SR) for $189.00 CAD, JR fits hat sizes 6 1/2" to 7 1/8" (circumference: 20.4" to 22", 520mm to 560mm), SR fits hat sizes 71/8" to 7 5/8" (circumference: 23" to 24", 585mm to 610mm).
2) The 2000 (certified) & 2100NC (non-certified) Fiberglas (JR, M & L) for $339.00 CAD, JR fits hat sizes 6 1/2" to 7" (circumference: 20.4" to 22", 520mm to 560mm), M fits hat sizes 6 7/8" to 7 1/4" (circumference: 21.6" to 23", 550mm to 585mm), L fits hat sizes 7 1/4" to 7 5/8" (circumference: 23" to 24", 585mm to 610mm).
3) The 9000 (certified) & 9100NC (non-certified) CarbonFiber/Fiberglas (any size) for $449.00 CAD, Fits hat sizes 7" to 7 1/2" (circumference: 22" to 23.6", 560mm to 600mm).
4) The 960 (certified) & 961NC (non-certified) "PRO" Kevlar(one size) for $1,499.00 CAD, Fits hat sizes 7" to 7 1/2" (circumference: 22" to 23.6", 560mm to 600mm).
5) The 8.0 (certified) & 8.0NC Fiberglas & Kevlar (M & L) for $579.00 CAD, M fits hat sizes 6 7/8" to 7 1/4" (circumference: 21.6" to 23", 550mm to 585mm), L fits hat sizes 7 1/4" to 7 5/8" (circumference: 23" to 24", 585mm to 610mm).
6) The 4000 (certified) & 4100NC (non-certified) Fiberglas (JR, M & L) for $369.00 CAD, JR fits hat sizes 6 1/2" to 7" (circumference: 20.4" to 22", 520mm to 560mm), M fits hat sizes 6 7/8" to 7 1/4" (circumference: 21.6" to 23", 550mm to 585mm), L fits hat sizes 7 1/4" to 7 5/8" (circumference: 23" to 24", 585mm to 610mm).
7) The 8000 (certified) & 8100NC (non-certified) Fiberglas (JR, M & L) for $659.00 CAD, JR fits hat sizes 6 1/2" to 7" (circumference: 20.4" to 22", 520mm to 560mm), M fits hat sizes 6 7/8" to 7 1/4" (circumference: 21.6" to 23", 550mm to 585mm), L fits hat sizes 7 1/4" to 7 5/8" (circumference: 23" to 24", 585mm to 610mm).
T-SHIRTS: $24.99 CAD (each) We also offer a line of "SIZZLIN" goalie T-shirt designs and are available in M, L, XL, XXL or XXXL. These six T-shirt designs can be viewed at;
Any further questions can be answered at the toll free; HOCKEY HOTLINE 1-888-257-7554 or (905)686-7554 (outside N. America)